Untitled (Underpass), 2020
I started with the desire to touch upon the innate character which concrete holds in our cultural landscape.   With the most ubiquitous material of our manufactured environment facing reevaluation due to exceptional carbon cost, I wondered how future generations will view our world if theirs is concrete free.  Is it possible to look at our concrete-filled habitat with the eyes of someone utterly unfamiliar with it?
Despite sidestepping contemporary architecture’s fetish for concrete, this has turned out to be a surprisingly difficult task.  Concrete’s shape-shifting nature and unparalleled utility as a structural material give it the greatest breadth of application of any building material.
In the end it is less its shape that penetrates us but rather its ambient character: cool, hard, raw, persistent in the face of decay. A powerfully evocative setting in literature and film, its tactile sensation can be conjured in both our imaginations and senses with a mere mention.

Sample Works:
Untitled (Towers), 2020
Untitled (Office), 2020
Untitled (Column), 2020
Untitled (Exit), 2020
Untitled (Bridge), 2020
Untitled (Retaining Wall), 2020
Untitled (Facade), 2020

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